Assembly and Instruction Guide
1. Use and wear limits:
Special Tool PL-ZO40-50 for testing the degree of wear of:
- Towing eyes diameter of 40 mm DIN 11026 (ISO 5692-2) und DIN 74054 (ISO 8755)
- Towing eyes diameter of 50 mm DIN 74053 (ISO 1102) und ECE R55
Wear limits:

Figure 1
2. Inspection of different hitch devices:

Figure 2
2.1 Check of towing eye 40 mm and 50 mm: (see Figure 3)
- Inner diameter of the eyelet is offered by the type plate and the instruction guide of the towing eye.
- Insert the gauge (marked „coupling ring 40“ or „coupling ring 50“) into the towing eye. The checkup must be conduct in at least four different positions at the extent.
- The towing eye has reached the wear limit when it is completely immersed in the gauge (see Figure 3).

Figure 3
3. Inspection/Maintenance of special tool:
For daily use, it is recommended to check the individual test areas of Walterscheid special tool once a year according to the dimensions in figure 4 with appropriate measuring equipment. Depending on the actual number of uses, this period can be extended to 60 months. Deviations of more than 0,1mm necessitate a replacement of special tool.

Figure 4
Universal tool must be cleaned after use with standard cleaning agents. Use only in clean and undamaged condition. Unauthorized modifications on universal tool are not permitted.